Bay Native Circle
On KPFA radio 94.1 fm I host “Bay Native Circle” I provide a recording of “Indians of All Tribes (IOAT)” leader Richard Oaks 50 years ago (November) why they took back Alcatraz! I then interview Elder Sarah James, of the Gwich’In Nation, living 100 miles north of the Arctic Circle! She tells us about the continuous threat “since bow and arrow days” to the Caribou region in North-East Alaska referred to as the "ANWR (Alaska National Wildlife Refuge)." Sarah, also a veteran of 'Occupy Alcatraz Island' warrior of 1969-71, a Boarding School Survivor, and was on the Federal Relocation Program is also a recipient of the grass-roots Goldman Environmental Prize in 2002.
A drum song by Dennis J Banks “Alcatraz”
At 7:30 pm Bismarck Delgado reads the Bay Native Calendar of Events in the Bay for the next two weeks.
Our next guest speaker is Ms. Cheryl Seidner, Cultural Liaison with the Wiyot Tribe, in Humbolt Bay, near Eureka, California. An inspiring California story told of determination and strength of prayer, and what started as a fund-raiser to buy back the land of merely 1.5 acres in 2000 for over $100,000 (fry bread tacos!) proved the power of the people! Cheryl, former Tribal Chairperson (1996), tells us she made a phone call over a decade ago to the newly elected Mayor of Eureka and talked to her about returning land taken from the Wiyot peoples since February 1860 when a massacre was committed by the townspeople.
The timing was super just right! Last Monday, October 21st the city of Eureka in a overflow City Hall ceremonial affair officially returned an Island now proclaimed “Tuluwat Island” back to the Wiyot Tribal Nation, Chairman Ted Hernandez. Ajo!!
All My Relations!
Tony Gonzales
Host, BNC